The Monstrous Misfits attend the Zauberpanzer match (or compete in it, in Melody's case). Thank God the Assembly is only watching the game, controlling it. Miracle joins in the roar of the crowd. Melody tries to channel PANZERGEIST! to minimize casualties and get answers. Presto does some important reading and draws some fun conclusions. Everyone's going to go get pizza after the game is done whether or not their house wins.
My mother was a drop of blood. My father was a knife. I thank you for this blessed meal And new purpose in life....
Finalized Details for Test #18 Six (6) Specimens prepared for experimentation/implantation Twelve (12) Subjects prepared for testing Grounds cleared and maintained for testing Oversight...
The Monstrous Misfits exit the dungeon into the wider world. Miracle joins the mean kids. Melody lives her life one quarter mile at a...