The Monstrous Misfits attend the Zauberpanzer match (or compete in it, in Melody's case). Thank God the Assembly is only watching the game, controlling it. Miracle joins in the roar of the crowd. Melody tries to channel PANZERGEIST! to minimize casualties and get answers. Presto does some important reading and draws some fun conclusions. Everyone's going to go get pizza after the game is done whether or not their house wins.
My love, Thank you for embarking on this grand adventure with me. They drill us on tactics and weapons and all I can do...
The crew of The Long Bones have managed to accomplish most of their goals, but that little bit remains elusive. Mohs and Orion get...
In the wake of the last mission, Yegg Squadron deals with what they've experienced the best way they know how: by ignoring it. Sparky...